Episode 3 Plus V2.5

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Episode 3 Plus V2.5

Post by Matt »

This is a minor release.

  • Small card art for unreleased cards is now fixed, using the card art pulled from the Trial Edition. It will no longer be blurry and stand out.
  • Castor/User and Pollux/User art has also been fixed, as it was done improperly in V2.4.
  • The Gigobooma card has had a text page added in memory of Gigobooma himself, the original creator of the Plus mod. See below for the text.

You can download Episode III Plus from the downloads page here.

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While not related to Episode 3 Plus directly, the C.A.R.D. lobbies on EU/Ragol will have Gigobooma banners up, at least for a little bit. Note that these banners are not present on the Trial Edition, and currently don't always work properly on hardware (but is being looked into).

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