Ender's Lost Episode 2 and GameCube/Xbox Lab

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Ender's Lost Episode 2 and GameCube/Xbox Lab

Post by Matt »

Hi all,

Today we bring you two updates:

  • Ender's five Lost Episode 2 quests on GameCube/Xbox!
  • A GameCube/Xbox version of The Lab, which has various different trade-ins

Lost Episode 2

Under Retrieval, you may find 5 new quests set in each Episode 2 area:

  • Lost SHOCK RIFLE: VR Temple
  • Lost BIND ASSAULT: VR Spaceship
  • Lost FILL CANNON: Central Control Area
  • Lost DEMON'S RAILGUN: Seabed
  • Lost CHARGE VULCAN: Control Tower

Each of these quests feature a central gimmick, just like the Episode 1 Lost quests, and many enemies! We hope you enjoy them.

Note: Lost DEMON'S RAILGUN currently has its gimmick removed, as the original quest relies on custom Blue Burst commands. A replacement gimmick will most likely be added eventually.

A huge thanks to Ender for providing these for console players to enjoy!

The Lab

The Lab has come to GameCube/Xbox, and can be found under the Shops category! In comparison to Dreamcast/PC, this version of the quest features different trade-ins and features, let's have a look at them!

-- NPC 1: GILLIAM --

GILLIAM can be found near the bank, and he offers a common weapon trade-in service. His service will allow you to change any common weapon to any other eligible colour, while retaining its special and attributes! If you have a 60% Charge Vulcan but dislike yellow, you can use this service to change it to a 60% Charge Repeater for fashion purposes!

Note that currently, grinds are not preserved.

All trades cost 1 Photon Drop.


MONTAGUE is back, and his Blue Burst enemy weapon upgrade system has been backported to GameCube/Xbox! He resides near the bank.

All enemy weapons can be upgraded at MONTAGUE, along with Soul Eater. By gambling Photon Drops, you may upgrade any of these weapons up to a total of 50% hit! The higher the hit you're asking for, the lower the chances and the higher the cost, up to a maximum cost of 5 Photon Drops at 20% chance when going from 40% to 50% hit!

If you're not feeling gambling however, you may substitute Photon Drops for the equivalent enemy part to increase the chance of success to 100%! For example, you may use 3 Parts of Baranz to upgrade Baranz Launcher to 30% hit guaranteed, instead of using 3 Photon Drops to gamble at 60% chance.

Note that Soul Eater can only be upgraded with Photon Drops.

MONTAGUE will also only accept weapons with 0, 10, 20, 30, or 40 hit. Any weapons with 5, 15, 25, 35, or 45 hit will be refused.

-- NPC 3: ALICIA --

ALICIA offers the ability to upgrade some pieces of equipment with variable stats that cannot be otherwise. These are:

  • Love Heart
  • Safety Heart
  • Virus Armor: Lafuteria

Give ALICIA a minimum stat Love Heart and a Spirit Garment, and she will buff the stats depending on what is on the Spirit Garment. The DFP on the Spirit Garment will be multiplied by 7 on the Love Heart, with a special case that 7 DFP grants max DFP on the Love Heart. The EVP on the Spirit Garment will be multiplied by 5 on the Love Heart.

Safety Heart works the same way, but with Invisible Guard. The DFP on the Invisible Guard will be multiplied by 6 on the Safety Heart, with a special case that 8 DFP grants max DFP on the Safety Heart. The EVP on the Invisible Guard will be multiplied by 2 on the Safety Heart, although if you have 8 EVP, you will receive 15 EVP on the Safety Heart.

Note that if you are not running the shield DFP fix (this is part of the Bug Fixes patch), getting over 15 DFP will cause the Safety Heart to be generated with 0 DFP.

For Virus Armor: Lafuteria, ALICIA can merge your minimum stat Lafuteria with a Stink Frame so that the Lafuteria may inherit the stats of the Stink Frame. However, if the Stink Frame has more than 50 DFP or 20 EVP, it will cause the Lafuteria to receive no DFP or EVP. ALICIA will warn you if this is the case!

-- NPC 4: NOL --

NOL resides at the infirmary, and is handing out free Decoctions to any users who need them. Pretty helpful!

-- NPC 5: Tekker --

The Tekker from Seek my Master is residing under the infirmary (where Hopkins is in Gallon's Shop), and is still looking for the real Agito. The difference here however? Any Agito (1975) converted here will retain all of its attributes, instead of losing them all. Pretty cool!

More features may come to The Lab in due course, stay tuned for that!

We hope you enjoy playing PSO!

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