Episode 3 Training Quests

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Episode 3 Training Quests

Post by Matt »

A set of 5 quests have been added to the quest section online, aimed at newer players to help them mess around against easy AI, and also to earn some "essential" cards for online play.

Each quest will give you a quick run-down on a concept at the start, and then have you fight an opponent. During these quests, there are no time limits, so you may take as long as you need to get to grips with the game, instead of having to worry about act timers.

Upon clearing all 5 quests, players will earn the following cards:

  • Heavy Attack
  • Heavy Slash
  • Resist
  • TP Defense
  • Avert
  • Wall
  • Punch
  • Punch Guard
  • Round Slay
  • Penetrate
  • Penetrate Guard
  • Dice +1
  • Brave Wind
  • Companion

All these quests are "first draft", so will most likely be tweaked and expanded on as time goes on. Let us know what you think about them!

We hope you enjoy playing Episode 3.

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