Server-side saving update for Dreamcast/Xbox

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Server-side saving update for Dreamcast/Xbox

Post by Matt »

Hello Hunters,

Thanks to fuzziqersoftware, newserv now supports fully extended server-side backups and restores for Dreamcast, GameCube (non-Plus) and Xbox.

With the command $savechar, you can save your character data to the server (including things like progression flags, bank data, chat shortcuts, etc.) and then later restore it at a later date if needed; for example in the event of catastrophic data loss or just misplacing your save.

Here's the full breakdown:

There are two types of save/restore: Basic (character and inventory only) and full (literally everything).

  • Dreamcast Prototypes/V1: Basic
  • Dreamcast V2: Full
  • PC V2: Basic
  • GameCube (non-Plus): Full
  • GameCube (Plus): Basic save only - data cannot be restored
  • Xbox: Full

Every account has access to 16 character slots with $savechar and $loadchar (e.g. $savechar 3), and they are shared between all of your characters on the same serial (if you're on Xbox, this is your gamertag instead). To restore your character, you must be using the same account as the one which backed it up, which is identified by your serial number.

Of course, you cannot use this system if you are using a shared serial.

Let us know if any issues appear to arise from this.

Dreamcast/PC Weapon Drop Disable

In all quests on the server, players will no longer drop their weapon upon death. This does not apply to Dreamcast Ver. 1.

That's all folks, we hope you enjoy playing PSO!

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