by Matt » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:56 am
A set of 5 training quests can be found under the Quests tab, which are designed to be relatively easy quests with no time limit to give people a space to get familiar with the game.
The text in the quest tries to explain a couple of simple concepts to players, although there isn't much to work with. The NPCs currently have no dialogue.
Right now these are somewhat quickly made, and would like to improve on them. The most important reason these exist are to grant players cards we feel are "essential" for online play, so people aren't stuck trying to farm these cards forever.
Let us know what you think should be added/removed/changed.
All take place on the simulator map, although with different layouts.
- No time limit
- All cards allowed
- 1-6 dice
- Deck shuffle on
- Deck loop on
- Dice boost on
- Character HP 15
- ATK dice prioritised
Quest description:
Code: Select all
Welcome to
the Morgue.
Before going
on missions,
let us get
you up to
speed on
Pass our
training to
earn some
useful cards!
Map: Caelum 1
Reward Cards: Heavy Attack, Heavy Slash
Player must use Hero Deck, and is against a Hero Deck (RAcast with 3 AP, 4 MV, -1 HP, Anti-Abnormality only)
NPC is designed to use the AI of the first story quest, where they defend rarely and only summon 1 card per act.
NPC Deck:
Code: Select all
name: Instructor H
cards[00]: 02B0 (???)
cards[01]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[02]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[03]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[04]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[05]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[06]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[07]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[08]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[09]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[10]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[20]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[21]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[30]: 008D (Heavy Slash)
Intro Message:
Code: Select all
Welcome to the Morgue,
new trainee. Here, we use
technology known as C.A.R.D.,
which allows us to carry
and equip more weapons and armor
than we usually can.
During battle, by using your cards,
you will be able to equip
multiple items, up to a limit.
Make sure you always have
an item equipped, or you
will be extremely vulnerable!
Give it a try; see if you
can defeat Instructor Flint.
Clear Message:
Code: Select all
You did it!
Proper item usage is
very important, and having a variety
of cards to use to catch your
opponent off guard will make
combat much easier.
As a reward for passing our test,
please take the following:
- Heavy Attack (Action)
- Heavy Slash (Action)
Map: Mortis Fons 2
Reward Cards: Resist, Avert, TP Defense
Player must use a Dark Deck, and is against a Dark Deck (HUmar with 3 AP, 1 TP, 3 MV, no abilities)
NPC is designed to use the AI of the first story quest, where they defend rarely and only summon 1 card per act.
NPC Deck:
Code: Select all
name: Instructor D
cards[00]: 0047 (???)
cards[01]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[02]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[03]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[04]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[05]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[06]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[07]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[08]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[09]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[10]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[11]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[12]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[18]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[19]: 0234 (Resist)
cards[20]: 00D0 (TP Defense)
cards[21]: 00D4 (Avert)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008E (Assault)
cards[30]: 008E (Assault)
Intro Message:
Code: Select all
Newbie! You should know that
there's more than just items
that can be used in combat!
Creatures can also be
summoned by us Arkz, which can
be used to great effect to control
the battlefield and overwhelm
our opponents!
Don't forget to use creatures to
block and slow the advance of
your opponent!
Now show me that you're not useless
and can defeat Instructor Lex.
Clear Message:
Code: Select all
You did well, I guess.
Creatures are just as good as items
if you learn to control the battlefield.
If you're feeling brave, some
Arkz are also good at direct combat.
Take these cards for showing
me you're not totally useless:
- Resist (Action)
- TP Defense (Action)
- Avert (Action)
Map: Via Tubus
Reward Cards: Wall, Punch, Punch Guard
Player must use a Hero Deck, and is against a Dark Deck (HUmar with 3 AP, 1 TP, 3 MV, no abilities)
NPC AI is regular for this mission instead of the easier one in Training 1/2.
NPC Deck:
Code: Select all
name: Instructor D
cards[00]: 0047 (???)
cards[01]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[02]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[03]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[04]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[05]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[06]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[07]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[08]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[09]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[10]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[11]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[12]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[18]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[19]: 00CB (Wall)
cards[20]: 0090 (Punch)
cards[21]: 0232 (Punch Guard)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008E (Assault)
cards[30]: 008E (Assault)
Intro Message:
Code: Select all
Have you noticed all those
different colors on the cards?
The top color is the
resistance color, which
signifies the attack type of
the card, or what types of attacks
it can defend against.
The colors on the left and right
of cards are "links", which signify
what cards can match with each other.
Each color has a theme - red is physical,
yellow is technique.
Use this to your advantage!
Clear Message:
Code: Select all
Did you figure out some more
card color themes?
Here is a list:
- Red: Physical
- Yellow: Technique
- Blue: Stat/HP modifier
- Orange: Rampage/Pierce
- Purple: Instant Death
- Green: Status Effect
Take these cards for doing so well:
- Wall (Action)
- Punch (Action)
- Punch Guard (Action)
Map: Nebula 1
Reward Cards: Round Slay, Penetrate, Penetrate Guard
Player must use a Dark Deck, and is against a Hero Deck (RAcast with 3 AP, 4 MV, anti-abnormality)
NPC AI is regular for this mission instead of the easier one in Training 1/2.
NPC Deck:
Code: Select all
name: Instructor H
cards[00]: 02B0 (???)
cards[01]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[02]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[03]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[04]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[05]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[06]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[07]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[08]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[09]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[10]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[20]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[21]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 0095 (Round Slay)
cards[30]: 022F (Penetrate Return)
Intro Message:
Code: Select all
It's time to learn about making decks!
I hope you haven't been slacking.
A good deck is well rounded, and
can deal with many situations.
As a rule of thumb, try this:
- 10 items/creatures
- 10 defense cards
- 8-9 attack cards
- 1-2 assist cards.
It is best to focus on
a few items/creatures than a lot,
and always be able to use
attack and defense cards each turn.
Show me you understand!
Clear Message:
Code: Select all
You have potential.
The most important thing is
being able to defend.
It's a common mistake to build for
a lot of items/creatures, but
good opponents have tools to
deal with large amounts of summons.
Take these cards, I guess:
- Round Slay (Action)
- Penetrate (Action)
- Penetrate Guard (Action)
Map: Terminus C2
Reward Cards: Dice +1, Brave Wind, Companion
This is a 2v1 against Saligun and Rio. The player may choose their choice of deck, and will also have 4-7 dice instead of 1-6. NPC AI is regular Saligun/Rio, and their decks are their NTE decks.
NPC Decks:
Code: Select all
name: Instructor
cards[00]: 0110 (Saligun)
cards[01]: 0009 (Saber)
cards[02]: 0009 (Saber)
cards[03]: 0028 (Sword)
cards[04]: 0028 (Sword)
cards[05]: 0029 (Partisan)
cards[06]: 0029 (Partisan)
cards[07]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[08]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[09]: 0164 (Flowen's Sword)
cards[10]: 0164 (Flowen's Sword)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[14]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[15]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[20]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[21]: 008C (Slash)
cards[22]: 008D (Heavy Slash)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[25]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[26]: 009C (Cross Slay)
cards[27]: 009C (Cross Slay)
cards[28]: 0156 (Toy Hammer)
cards[29]: 01AB (Flowen's Shield)
cards[30]: 01AB (Flowen's Shield)
name: Instructor
cards[00]: 011C (Rio)
cards[01]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[02]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[03]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[04]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[05]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[06]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[07]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[08]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[09]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[10]: 01ED (Dolmolm)
cards[11]: 01ED (Dolmolm)
cards[12]: 0062 (Pal Shark)
cards[13]: 0062 (Pal Shark)
cards[14]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[18]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[19]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[20]: 00A6 (HP Attack)
cards[21]: 00A6 (HP Attack)
cards[22]: 00AA (Kamikaze Attack)
cards[23]: 00AA (Kamikaze Attack)
cards[24]: 01FD (Del Lily)
cards[25]: 01FD (Del Lily)
cards[26]: 00E5 (Megid)
cards[27]: 00E5 (Megid)
cards[28]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
cards[29]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
cards[30]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
Before message:
Code: Select all
It's time to see
how far you've come.
This time, we will
fight you ourselves!
- Saligun and Rio
Clear message:
Code: Select all
You have completed all
of our training, congratulations!
Take these cards:
- Dice+1 (Assist)
- Brave Wind (Assist)
- Companion (Action)
A set of 5 training quests can be found under the Quests tab, which are designed to be relatively easy quests with no time limit to give people a space to get familiar with the game.
The text in the quest tries to explain a couple of simple concepts to players, although there isn't much to work with. The NPCs currently have no dialogue.
Right now these are somewhat quickly made, and would like to improve on them. The most important reason these exist are to grant players cards we feel are "essential" for online play, so people aren't stuck trying to farm these cards forever.
Let us know what you think should be added/removed/changed.
[spoiler=Shared]All take place on the simulator map, although with different layouts.
- No time limit
- All cards allowed
- 1-6 dice
- Deck shuffle on
- Deck loop on
- Dice boost on
- Character HP 15
- ATK dice prioritised
Quest description:
Welcome to
the Morgue.
Before going
on missions,
let us get
you up to
speed on
Pass our
training to
earn some
useful cards!
[spoiler=Training 1]Map: Caelum 1
Reward Cards: Heavy Attack, Heavy Slash
Player must use Hero Deck, and is against a Hero Deck (RAcast with 3 AP, 4 MV, -1 HP, Anti-Abnormality only)
NPC is designed to use the AI of the first story quest, where they defend rarely and only summon 1 card per act.
NPC Deck:
name: Instructor H
cards[00]: 02B0 (???)
cards[01]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[02]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[03]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[04]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[05]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[06]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[07]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[08]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[09]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[10]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[20]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[21]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[30]: 008D (Heavy Slash)
Intro Message:
Welcome to the Morgue,
new trainee. Here, we use
technology known as C.A.R.D.,
which allows us to carry
and equip more weapons and armor
than we usually can.
During battle, by using your cards,
you will be able to equip
multiple items, up to a limit.
Make sure you always have
an item equipped, or you
will be extremely vulnerable!
Give it a try; see if you
can defeat Instructor Flint.
Clear Message:
You did it!
Proper item usage is
very important, and having a variety
of cards to use to catch your
opponent off guard will make
combat much easier.
As a reward for passing our test,
please take the following:
- Heavy Attack (Action)
- Heavy Slash (Action)
[spoiler=Training 2]Map: Mortis Fons 2
Reward Cards: Resist, Avert, TP Defense
Player must use a Dark Deck, and is against a Dark Deck (HUmar with 3 AP, 1 TP, 3 MV, no abilities)
NPC is designed to use the AI of the first story quest, where they defend rarely and only summon 1 card per act.
NPC Deck:
name: Instructor D
cards[00]: 0047 (???)
cards[01]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[02]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[03]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[04]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[05]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[06]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[07]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[08]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[09]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[10]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[11]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[12]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[18]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[19]: 0234 (Resist)
cards[20]: 00D0 (TP Defense)
cards[21]: 00D4 (Avert)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008E (Assault)
cards[30]: 008E (Assault)
Intro Message:
Newbie! You should know that
there's more than just items
that can be used in combat!
Creatures can also be
summoned by us Arkz, which can
be used to great effect to control
the battlefield and overwhelm
our opponents!
Don't forget to use creatures to
block and slow the advance of
your opponent!
Now show me that you're not useless
and can defeat Instructor Lex.
Clear Message:
You did well, I guess.
Creatures are just as good as items
if you learn to control the battlefield.
If you're feeling brave, some
Arkz are also good at direct combat.
Take these cards for showing
me you're not totally useless:
- Resist (Action)
- TP Defense (Action)
- Avert (Action)
[spoiler=Training 3]Map: Via Tubus
Reward Cards: Wall, Punch, Punch Guard
Player must use a Hero Deck, and is against a Dark Deck (HUmar with 3 AP, 1 TP, 3 MV, no abilities)
NPC AI is regular for this mission instead of the easier one in Training 1/2.
NPC Deck:
name: Instructor D
cards[00]: 0047 (???)
cards[01]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[02]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[03]: 0056 (Booma)
cards[04]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[05]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[06]: 0059 (Savage Wolf)
cards[07]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[08]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[09]: 005F (Hildebear)
cards[10]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[11]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[12]: 0061 (Evil Shark)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[18]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[19]: 00CB (Wall)
cards[20]: 0090 (Punch)
cards[21]: 0232 (Punch Guard)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 008E (Assault)
cards[30]: 008E (Assault)
Intro Message:
Have you noticed all those
different colors on the cards?
The top color is the
resistance color, which
signifies the attack type of
the card, or what types of attacks
it can defend against.
The colors on the left and right
of cards are "links", which signify
what cards can match with each other.
Each color has a theme - red is physical,
yellow is technique.
Use this to your advantage!
Clear Message:
Did you figure out some more
card color themes?
Here is a list:
- Red: Physical
- Yellow: Technique
- Blue: Stat/HP modifier
- Orange: Rampage/Pierce
- Purple: Instant Death
- Green: Status Effect
Take these cards for doing so well:
- Wall (Action)
- Punch (Action)
- Punch Guard (Action)
[spoiler=Training 4]Map: Nebula 1
Reward Cards: Round Slay, Penetrate, Penetrate Guard
Player must use a Dark Deck, and is against a Hero Deck (RAcast with 3 AP, 4 MV, anti-abnormality)
NPC AI is regular for this mission instead of the easier one in Training 1/2.
NPC Deck:
name: Instructor H
cards[00]: 02B0 (???)
cards[01]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[02]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[03]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[04]: 0034 (Rifle)
cards[05]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[06]: 0035 (Shot)
cards[07]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[08]: 000C (Mechgun)
cards[09]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[10]: 0016 (Mag)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[14]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[15]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[20]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[21]: 00CC (Reduction)
cards[22]: 008A (Attack)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008A (Attack)
cards[25]: 008C (Slash)
cards[26]: 008C (Slash)
cards[27]: 008C (Slash)
cards[28]: 008E (Assault)
cards[29]: 0095 (Round Slay)
cards[30]: 022F (Penetrate Return)
Intro Message:
It's time to learn about making decks!
I hope you haven't been slacking.
A good deck is well rounded, and
can deal with many situations.
As a rule of thumb, try this:
- 10 items/creatures
- 10 defense cards
- 8-9 attack cards
- 1-2 assist cards.
It is best to focus on
a few items/creatures than a lot,
and always be able to use
attack and defense cards each turn.
Show me you understand!
Clear Message:
You have potential.
The most important thing is
being able to defend.
It's a common mistake to build for
a lot of items/creatures, but
good opponents have tools to
deal with large amounts of summons.
Take these cards, I guess:
- Round Slay (Action)
- Penetrate (Action)
- Penetrate Guard (Action)
[spoiler=Training 5]Map: Terminus C2
Reward Cards: Dice +1, Brave Wind, Companion
This is a 2v1 against Saligun and Rio. The player may choose their choice of deck, and will also have 4-7 dice instead of 1-6. NPC AI is regular Saligun/Rio, and their decks are their NTE decks.
NPC Decks:
name: Instructor
cards[00]: 0110 (Saligun)
cards[01]: 0009 (Saber)
cards[02]: 0009 (Saber)
cards[03]: 0028 (Sword)
cards[04]: 0028 (Sword)
cards[05]: 0029 (Partisan)
cards[06]: 0029 (Partisan)
cards[07]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[08]: 000A (Handgun)
cards[09]: 0164 (Flowen's Sword)
cards[10]: 0164 (Flowen's Sword)
cards[11]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[12]: 0017 (Shield)
cards[13]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[14]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[15]: 01A3 (Barrier)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[18]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[19]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[20]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[21]: 008C (Slash)
cards[22]: 008D (Heavy Slash)
cards[23]: 008A (Attack)
cards[24]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[25]: 008B (Heavy Attack)
cards[26]: 009C (Cross Slay)
cards[27]: 009C (Cross Slay)
cards[28]: 0156 (Toy Hammer)
cards[29]: 01AB (Flowen's Shield)
cards[30]: 01AB (Flowen's Shield)
name: Instructor
cards[00]: 011C (Rio)
cards[01]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[02]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[03]: 01D4 (Ob Lily)
cards[04]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[05]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[06]: 01D5 (Mil Lily)
cards[07]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[08]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[09]: 007A (Bulclaw)
cards[10]: 01ED (Dolmolm)
cards[11]: 01ED (Dolmolm)
cards[12]: 0062 (Pal Shark)
cards[13]: 0062 (Pal Shark)
cards[14]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[15]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[16]: 00C5 (Guard)
cards[17]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[18]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[19]: 00C6 (Dodge)
cards[20]: 00A6 (HP Attack)
cards[21]: 00A6 (HP Attack)
cards[22]: 00AA (Kamikaze Attack)
cards[23]: 00AA (Kamikaze Attack)
cards[24]: 01FD (Del Lily)
cards[25]: 01FD (Del Lily)
cards[26]: 00E5 (Megid)
cards[27]: 00E5 (Megid)
cards[28]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
cards[29]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
cards[30]: 00B3 (Double-Edged Dice)
Before message:
It's time to see
how far you've come.
This time, we will
fight you ourselves!
- Saligun and Rio
Clear message:
You have completed all
of our training, congratulations!
Take these cards:
- Dice+1 (Assist)
- Brave Wind (Assist)
- Companion (Action)