Episode 3 Action Replay codes

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Below are useful or fun codes to use while playing Episode 3. These codes only work on the US version of the game, other than the jukebox code. All codes are credit to fuzziqersoftware unless noted.

How to use codes

1. Go to Options -> Configuration, and tick Enable Cheats.
2. Right-click the game in the game list, then choose properties, then AR Codes.
3. Click Add New Code... then give it a name of choice, and paste the code itself in the code box.
4. Make sure the codes you want are ticked, then boot up the game.

If you wish to turn codes off, follow the above steps and untick codes, then restart the game.

Play lobby/event music in Morgue

040B7028 60000000

Skip white logo screens during startup

0409D774 38000007

Skip agreement prompts before online game

041B50C8 38000003

Disable rate limit for pressing A during loading screens

042F9B30 38000000

Auto-press A as fast as possible during loading screens

042F9AC0 60000000

Replace loading screen A button sounds with random sounds

042F9B18 4804BB19
042F9B1C 5463063E
042F9B20 60631400
042F9B24 64630005
042F9B28 38800000

Change color of loading screens

To use this, replace AA, RR, GG, and BB as desired. These are the RGBA values in hexadecimal for the color you want.
042FA704 3CC0AARR
042FA708 60C6GGBB

Use 16:9 aspect ratio

Please note that this code produces somewhat strange results
04383DC8 4BC87F99
0400BD60 C042DED0
0400BD64 EC5D00B2
0400BD68 4E800020

Disable darkening effect during battle details mode

042F951C 4E800020

Unlock all COM decks

This is not required if playing Episode III Plus
042CA908 38600001

Enable all lobby counter options in non-CARD lobbies

04096A8C 480000C0
04096B4C 38800007

Change HUD color mask

To use this, replace AA, RR, GG, and BB as desired. These are the RGBA in hexadecimal values for the color you want.
0438CA8C 3C00RRGG
0438CA90 6000BBAA

Disable lobby event music

040B705C 38000000

Change color of pulsing orange text to be random every frame

04155D78 7CA802A6
04155D7C 7C661B78
04155D80 481EF8B1
04155D84 7C671B78
04155D88 481EF8A9
04155D8C 50677822
04155D90 64E7FF00
04155D94 90E60024
04155D98 7CA803A6
04155D9C 4E800020

Enable color and symbol codes in info board text

This allows color codes such as $C6 to work
040F2E80 4BF0D41D
040F0274 4BF10025
040EFC58 4BF10641
04000298 38810008
0400029C 38C3FFFF
040002A0 8CA60001
040002A4 28050024
040002A8 4082000C
040002AC 38000009
040002B0 98060000
040002B4 28050000
040002B8 4082FFE8
040002BC 7C633050
040002C0 4E800020

Unlock all offline free battle maps

Please note that this unlocks hidden maps as well, including 4 that cause FSOD.
042CAA00 38600001

Dressing room always accessible

041A16FC 38600001

Jukebox is free

Note that the jukebox is free on EU/Ragol, but a player must have at least 100 meseta. This enables the jukebox with 0 meseta.

US: 0430D1DC 48000024
EU: 0430DE3C 48000024
JP: 0430C178 48000024

Use own character in battle (online only)

This replaces your chosen story character visually - they will still have all the same parameters as the SC.
041FFAB0 4800001C
042A54D8 4BD5B0F9
04200A34 4BDFFB9D
041FFA9C 4BE00B35
040005D0 38600000
040005D4 3CA08049
040005D8 80A54160
040005DC 2805000F
040005E0 41820008
040005E4 481E8E24
040005E8 80ADA448
040005EC 7C042800
040005F0 41820008
040005F4 481E8E14
040005F8 38600001
040005FC 4E800020

Disable chat sensor

This is not required if playing Episode III Plus
0412F8B8 7D0802A6
0412F8BC 7C661B78
0412F8C0 7C872378
0412F8C4 48217285
0412F8C8 38A30001
0412F8CC 7CE33B78
0412F8D0 7CC43378
0412F8D4 7D0803A6
0412F8D8 4BEDEBF4

Full Dressing Room (No class/ID change)

This code unlocks the full dressing room as one would expect. ID is not recalculated if name is changed. To fully save changes, make sure to connect online.
0418EB5C 60000000
042A0184 389D0370
042A0188 387E2120

Full Dressing Room (Class/ID change)

This code makes the dressing room similar to character recreate, although no progress is lost. Class and ID can be changed, but no prior appearance data is saved, meaning choosing the same class will start you off with default appearance. To fully save changes, make sure to connect online.
042A0184 389D0370
042A0188 387E2120